Mask of the figure Laocoön from the sculptural group Laocoön and His Sons. The Roman writer Pliny attributes the work to three Greek sculptors from the island of Rhodes - Agesander, Athenodoros and Polydorus. The original masterpiece can be found in the Statues Courtyard in the Vatican Museums.
16 x 11”
Mask of the figure Laocoön from the sculptural group Laocoön and His Sons. The Roman writer Pliny attributes the work to three Greek sculptors from the island of Rhodes - Agesander, Athenodoros and Polydorus. The original masterpiece can be found in the Statues Courtyard in the Vatican Museums.
16 x 11”
Mask of the figure Laocoön from the sculptural group Laocoön and His Sons. The Roman writer Pliny attributes the work to three Greek sculptors from the island of Rhodes - Agesander, Athenodoros and Polydorus. The original masterpiece can be found in the Statues Courtyard in the Vatican Museums.
16 x 11”